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Date Posted:04/29/2016 5:09 AMCopy HTML

A certain man planted a rose and watered
It faithfully, and before it
Blossomed, he examined it.
He saw the bud that would soon blossom
And also the thorns. And he thought, 
"How can any beautiful flower
Come from a plant
Burdened with so many sharp thorns?"
Saddened by this thought, he neglected 
To water the rose,
And before it was ready 
To bloom, it died.
So it is with many people.
Within every soul there is a rose.
The God-like qualities planted 
In us at birth
Grow amid the thorns of our faults. 
Many of us look at ourselves
And see only the thorns, 
The defects. We despair, 
Thinking that nothing good 
Can possibly come from us.
We neglect to water 
The good within us,
And eventually it dies.
We never realize our potential.
Some people do not see the rose 
Within themselves; 
Someone else must show it to them.
One of the greatest gifts a person 
Can possess is to be
Able to reach past the thorns and 
Find the rose within others.
This is the characteristic of love,
To look at a person, 
And knowing his faults,
Recognize the nobility in his 
Soul, and help him realize
That he can overcome his faults.
If we show him the rose,
He will conquer the thorns. 
Then will he blossom,
Blooming forth thirty, sixty,
A hundred-fold as it is given to him.
Our duty in this world is to help 
Others by showing
Them their roses and
Not their thorns. 
Only then can we achieve the love
We should feel for each other;
Only then can we 
Bloom in our own garden. Yes 
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/07/2016 6:52 AMCopy HTML

 Originally Posted by tosca1 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Alter2Ego View Post

The Hebrew word "Elohim" is not a name. It is a title, just as "El" is a title. It plays the same role as the Hebrew word "El," except whereas "El" is always singular god, Elohim can be singular god as well as plural gods--including false gods. And just as "El" refers to humans and angels, likewise, Elohim also refers to beings that are considered to be in positions of power such as angels and humans (e.g. king, magistrate, judge). This is confirmed by the following source:
Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense;

but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the
supreme God;

Thank you.

What difference do you imagine it makes when you bold portions from a source that appeal to your personal philosophy, to the exclusion of the context(surrounding words)? It is the context that helps one understand what is being said. And the context within my quoted source debunks your fallacious claim that the personal names of Almighty God are "El" and "Elohim". 

The last source that I quoted (Strong's Concordance), like all of the other sources that we both quoted, indicated the same thing: that the Hebrew wordsElohym and El are TITLES that are applied, not only to the supreme God aka Jehovah, but also to false gods that are singular, and to humans and angels. 

Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally
applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty."
(Source: Strong's Concordance) 
Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Search Results

So instead of starting up bait threads with unsubstantiated claims about the New World Translation, your best bet is to try to find "Trinity" verses within your preferred English translation of the Bible. Logicman posted several at Post 196, some of which I already debunked. 

It was after Logicman saw what I was doing to his/her out-of-context verses that he/she tried to divert attention from the fact that he/she was on the run, and did it by repeatedly asking me if I believe Jesus Christ is the Archangel Michael. Keep in mind that Logicman ran from 7-8 of my questions that directly debunk his/her cherry-picked verses at Post 196, but kept demanding that I answer the question about Jesus and the Archangel Michael. And keep in mind that whether or not Jesus is the Archangel Michael, that will not change the fact that Logicman has failed to present a single verse of scripture that proves there is a 3-prong god in the Bible.

Here is the weblink to Post 196. (Where Did The Trinity Teaching Come From?[W:200])

Since Logicman is now on the run from my questions that debunk his/her "Trinity" verses, feel free to take over his/her "Trinity" verses.

The ball is now in your court.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/07/2016 6:54 AMCopy HTML

 Quote Originally Posted by peaceBwithU View Post
Greetings, Alter2Ego!

Allow me to repeat myself and, at the same time, add some information carelessly left out the first time:

When the scope and profundity of Jesus' knowledge prompted not even his closest disciples (c)--"eyewitnesses of his majesty" (d) included--to ascribe prime divinity to him (e), why should anyone else declare Jesus substantively divine?

(c) cf. Jn 15.27; Mk 4.10-11
(d) 2Pe 1.16 (vv. 17-18); cf. Mt 17.1-2; Mk 9.2-3; Lk 9.28-29
(e) Jn 20.31 (cf. Ro 8.14); Ac 3.13,26; 4.(24),27,30

All the best to you, Alter2Ego!

You do well to repeat your earlier point, that Jesus disciples who were his close companions during his time on earth did not once consider him to be Almighty God. The fact that the false Trinity dogma did not become official "Christian" teaching until Emperor Constantine, in 325 AD, set the wheels in motion is proof that the dogma is pagan in origin. It also explains why there are no verses in support of Trinity in God's inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/07/2016 6:55 AMCopy HTML

  Originally Posted by tosca1 View Post
It's not about what appeals to me. It's about the facts, that's why I highlighted the critical point. You ignored the major parts, and highlighted the minor ones.

What facts? You keep repeating the same fallacy: that the Hebrew TITLES "El" and "Elohim" are the personal name of Almighty God of the Judeo-Christian Bible. You keep ignoring your own sources when they do not agree with you.

Quote Originally Posted by tosca1 View Post
Let's do it again.
What for? So you can keep giving me wash, rinse, and repeat? You can "do it again"--by yourself. I have other fish to fry. I quoted sources and you quoted sources, and every single one of the sources that you and I quoted said the same thing, as follows:

1. The Hebrew word "El" is singular for any god, including the true God of the Judeo-Christian Bible and including a false god, as well as mere humans and angels.

"The word El comes from a root word meaning "might, strength, power" and probably derives from the Ugaritic term for god.

In Scripture, the primary meanings of this root are
 "god" (pagan or false gods), "God" (the true God of Israel), and sometimes "the mighty" (referring to men or angels). When used of the true God of Israel, El is almost always qualified by additional words that further define the meaning that distinguish Him from false gods. These other names or titles for God are sometimes called "construct forms." "
The Hebrew Names for God - El


A basic root name for God is
 “El,” which actually refers to any god in the most general sense. Therefore, it may refer to the true God or a false god. In the Bible, “El” usually is grouped with other forms and qualifiers of the true God, such as in this case: “...I, the Lord [Jehovah] your God [Elohim], am a jealous God [El]...” (Deut. 5:9b)."
Chapter 2 (God & Israel), Part I (NAMES for and CHARACTER of GOD)

2. The Hebrew word "Elohim" (or "Elohym") can be applied either to a singular god or to plural gods. "Elohim" is also applied to humans and angels.

Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally
applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty."
(Source: Strong's Concordance) 
Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Search Results

I informed you several times that a word that can be applied to every single god, including false gods, as well as to humans and angels, cannot also be the personal name of the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible--as you fallaciously claim. The Hebrew words "El" and "Elohim" are common TITLES, just as the words Mr. and Mrs. and Miss and Lord and Judge/Magistrate and President and king/queen, etc. are titles--because they can be applied to any number of individuals who fit those roles.

The personal name of the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible is unique. He alone in the entire universe bears that name: YHWH translated Jehovah or Yehovah or Yahweh. 

Been over the above repeatedly with you, and you keep rejecting what the sources say. As far as I am concerned, this conversation between us about "El" and "Elohim" is over. If you make any further mention of "El" or "Elohim" to me, do not hold your breath waiting for a response. The instant I see "El" or "Elohim" in your post, I will stop reading and scroll past. 

Now, I suggest you move on and present one of Logicman's out-of-context "Trinity" verses and try to prove to the rest of the forum where the verses are talking about three persons that are co-equal and co-eternal and part of a "Godhead".
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/07/2016 8:02 AMCopy HTML

 Quote Originally Posted by peaceBwithU View Post
Greetings, Alter2Ego!

Allow me to repeat myself and, at the same time, add some information carelessly left out the first time:

When the scope and profundity of Jesus' knowledge prompted not even his closest disciples (c)--"eyewitnesses of his majesty" (d) included--to ascribe prime divinity to him (e), why should anyone else declare Jesus substantively divine?

(c) cf. Jn 15.27; Mk 4.10-11
(d) 2Pe 1.16 (vv. 17-18); cf. Mt 17.1-2; Mk 9.2-3; Lk 9.28-29
(e) Jn 20.31 (cf. Ro 8.14); Ac 3.13,26; 4.(24),27,30

All the best to you, Alter2Ego!

You do well to repeat your earlier point, that Jesus disciples who were his close companions during his time on earth did not once consider him to be Almighty God. The fact that the false Trinity dogma did not become official "Christian" teaching until Emperor Constantine, in 325 AD, set the wheels in motion is proof that the dogma is pagan in origin. It also explains why there are no verses in support of Trinity in God's inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/07/2016 10:44 AMCopy HTML

In Colossians 2:9 The word “fullness” demonstrates that the verse is speaking of something that one could also have just a part of.. It makes no sense to talk about the “fullness” of something that is indivisible.. God is indivisible.. We never read about “the fullness of God the Father” because, by definition, God is always full of His own nature.. Therefore, the verse is not talking about Christ being God, but about God in some way providing Christ with “fullness..” What this verse is saying is made clear earlier in Colossians: “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him” (Col. 1:19). That is true.. John 3:34 adds clarification: “For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the spirit without limit..”
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:05/13/2016 2:13 AMCopy HTML

As much as some would like the scriptures to say that Jesus is “God the Son”, Its just not there.. It never appears. In phrases like “God the Father,” “God our Father,” “the God and Father” and “God, even the Father”.. So are we to believe that the Son is actually God just as the Father is? The Father is plainly called “God, the Father” over and over and yet the Son is not even once called “God the Son”? Would'nt this be strong evidence that Jesus is never called “God the Son” But is only called the son of God or the son of man just scriptues teach?
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Date Posted:09/02/2016 7:51 PMCopy HTML

 I use to be Trinity, but after studying for some time I see that the Trinity is not a Bible teaching..If so why is it that Jesus and his apostles who followed him around never taught anyone or heard about the Trinity? So does anyone have any idea where it come from and how did it get started?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Date Posted:09/03/2016 1:39 AMCopy HTML

 I didn't start this thread to debate or argue about the topic.. I just wanted to get some history from those that are alot more knowledgeable than I Am...Thanks...............

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Date Posted:09/03/2016 8:11 PMCopy HTML

I appreciate everyones  imput, thanks Charlie Preston  for bringing up Richard Rubinstein in his book When Jesus Became God, alot of good information.. It seems the central doctrine within the majority of the 41,000 denominations within Christendom is the teaching that the God of the Christian Bible is split up into three different persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit) and that these three persons are co-equal and co-eternal and are combined into a "Godhead." 

It might surprise some to learn that among pagan nations that did not worship the God of the Christian Bible, there were trinity gods in existence centuries before Jesus Christ appeared on earth in the 1st Century AD, and there were pagan trinities in existence during the 1st Century AD, while Jesus was on earth. Below are three such examples, followed by the questions for debate.
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Date Posted:09/03/2016 8:40 PMCopy HTML

For those that believe in the trinity can you give scriptures from the Bible to support the teaching of Trinity? If so, quote up to four scriptural examples.. and then explain why you have concluded that the words of scripture are proof of trinity, thanks..

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Date Posted:09/04/2016 5:26 PMCopy HTML

 Donald E. Thomas says One problem with this debate is that you can cite Bible passages that seemingly clearly support the Trinity teaching, while someone else holding a contrary opinion can back up their arguments citing many of the exact same passages.

In  was trying to make a point that trinity was borrowed from pagan religions..
there are no scriptures in God's inspired word, the Christian Bible, where any mention is made about a trinity of three co-equal and co-eternal pkeersons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit).. That is the reason why I asked those that believe in the trinity to present scriptures to prove that the trinity is supported by God's inspired word... 

As a rule, Trinitarians will cherry pick a few words from an entire chapter and ignore everything else that is part of the context.. (Context refers to the surrounding words, verses, and chapters that are related to the cherry picked words}.. Trinitarians will focus only on the words that appear to be supporting what they have chosen to believe.. When the context is paid attention to, it becomes abundantly clear that the cherry picked words are not with reference to Christendom's version of trinity..
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Date Posted:04/23/2017 7:47 PMCopy HTML

Yes Rosemary, I believe in the Father Son and Holy Spirit. But there are no scriptures in God's inspired word, the Christian Bible where there is any mention about a trinity of three co-equal and co-eternal persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit).. That is the reason why I asked those that believe in the trinity to present scriptures to prove that the trinity is supported by God's inspired word..

can you give scriptures from the Bible to support the teaching of Trinity? If so, quote up to four scriptural examples.. and then explain why you have concluded that the words of scripture are proof of trinity, thanks..
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