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Title: Religious Spirit's | |
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Date Posted:05/24/2017 7:16 PMCopy HTML Religious Spirit's Have you ever heard that religious spirits work diligently to hinder true meaningful relationships between God and His children. Religious spirits, self-righteousness, religious pride ,criticism ,legalism ,perfectionism ,division ,error (doctrinal falsehood) ,unbelief ,doubt ,confusion ,argumentism ,false holiness ,salvation by works ,guilt ,condemnation ,fear of losing salvation,fear of God (unhealthy, scared feeling) ,intolerance. If you think of yourself as more important than others, then you almost certainly have a self-righteous or false holiness spirit. Other things you might look for are feelings that you're always right and everybody else is wrong, or a weakness with being outspoken. Somebody who comes across as a know-it-all may also have religious spirits. Thinking that you can do things apart from God is another dead-giveaway. Jesus made it very clear that apart from Him, you can do nothing: John 15:5, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." Somebody who has religious spirits will often be more interested in seeing somebody 'pay' or be punished for their wrongdoing, than they are in seeing the person repent and receive the forgiveness and grace of God. When Jesus would freely forgive a person's sins, it made the Pharisees irate, because it didn't settle well with their self-righteous spirits. The concept of grace was an abomination to their doctrine of legalism! Do you feel like you've been wronged, and that person deserves justice for what they've done to you? This may very well be the workings of a religious spirit. Remember, religious spirits are more interested in justice and punishment than mercy and forgiveness. Feeling this way is actually a form of pride, because it holds you up on a righteous pedestal while it sees the other person as a sinner who deserves to be repaid for the wrong they've done. There is no concept of mercy or forgiveness for the other person, nor is there any remembrance of how they themselves needed mercy in their own life at some time or another. They are only interested in seeing that person who wronged them repaid and receive judgment for their wrong. Beware, this can often be a dead-giveaway of a religious spirit at work! They can make you feel distant from God, because no matter what you do, it will never be enough, or they can set you up for spiritual disaster through pride and self-righteousness. Either way, their goal is to nullify the work of Christ in your life, and make it to no effect for you. Being set free from religious spirits can bring major spiritual freedom and breakthrough in your relationship with God! The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.