biblicaldiscussionanddebate > General > General Discussion Go to subcategory:
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WELCOME jcan071 6 448 Post Reply: jcan071
07/23/2020 1:38 AM
Rules !!! jcan071 0 326 04/29/2016 3:06 AM
DON'T BE AFRAID jcan071 2 40 Post Reply: jcan071
06/20/2024 7:07 PM
Good-nite everyone jcan071 7 282 Post Reply: jcan071
06/16/2024 9:28 PM
Nightingale Song jcan071 2 328 Post Reply: jcan071
05/21/2024 4:20 AM
Love you......... jcan071 2 74 Post Reply: jcan071
05/21/2024 4:16 AM
VERSE OF TODAY jcan071 12 542 Post Reply: jcan071
05/10/2024 9:29 PM
I wish I would have been more closer to my Dad and more patient... jcan071 3 158 Post Reply: jcan071
04/23/2024 5:20 PM
Amazing Grace jcan071 2 412 Post Reply: jcan071
04/23/2024 5:11 PM
Good Morning jcan071 11 242 Post Reply: jcan071
04/23/2024 5:06 PM
Precious Memories jcan071 2 342 Post Reply: jcan071
09/28/2023 12:39 AM
Is the World Ready? jcan071 8 222 Post Reply: jcan071
12/19/2022 8:23 PM
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: SUPERNATURAL MATURITY, Part 18 Regner 1 155 Post Reply: jcan071
12/31/2021 5:14 PM
The Old Violin jcan071 1 380 Post Reply: jcan071
03/08/2019 6:24 AM
To Live Without You jcan071 0 320 03/07/2018 10:05 PM
Father's Love Letter jcan071 1 335 Post Reply: jcan071
03/03/2018 9:37 PM
Logan the 'Sky Angel Cowboy jcan071 0 300 01/11/2018 6:03 PM
As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after Thee... jcan071 0 305 01/11/2018 2:48 PM
Older Than Dirt jcan071 0 319 09/25/2017 2:17 PM
REMEMBER WHEN ??? jcan071 0 357 09/25/2017 12:13 AM
The Rose jcan071 0 295 09/22/2017 3:33 AM
YESTERDAY ... TODAY AND TOMORROW jcan071 0 309 09/22/2017 3:14 AM
Religious Spirit's jcan071 0 320 05/24/2017 7:16 PM
Be thankful jcan071 0 357 11/24/2016 3:05 PM
Reverendfun jcan071 1 466 Post Reply: jcan071
11/08/2016 6:03 PM
OSAS: Is it Really a Big Deal? jcan071 3 449 Post Reply: jcan071
11/08/2016 5:45 PM
Do You Remember Love? jcan071 0 298 11/07/2016 3:02 PM
Donald Trump’s 2 Minute Closing Statement to America jcan071 0 271 11/05/2016 10:59 PM
The Identity of Jesus jcan071 0 291 11/02/2016 10:19 PM
Seven Percent Only jcan071 0 314 11/01/2016 4:07 PM
Donald Trump Has Won The 2016 Presidential Election jcan071 2 305 Post Reply: jcan071
10/31/2016 1:26 PM
The FBI is to scour 650,000 emails jcan071 0 277 10/31/2016 1:10 PM
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